Marvia – Sabbath Work…

Marvia – Sabbath Work…

I’m a traveling nurse and I received a 4-week contract in California. I had an opportunity to stay with a Seventh-Day Adventist lady during my assignment. I had initially made it clear to my supervisor that I would not work on Sabbath (Friday sunset to Saturday sunset). However I saw that it wasn’t so on my schedule. I contacted my supervisor but no response. I prayed about it and stood firm for God. I did not report to work when Sabbath came. Consequently I lost my contract. I prayed and asked God to intervene according to His will. The lady I stayed with was a 30-yr long Adventist. However, when Sabbath came, I found her busy in the kitchen cooking instead of resting in Jesus. I said nothing. The following Sabbath, same thing. I asked her if she would like to join me for Friday night worship and she accepted. She poured her heart out realizing she had not been a faithful, practicing Adventist. God placed me in California for a reason. I realized then that my real assignment was a spiritual one! Not only did I tend to this lady who was drifting away from God but in the midst of this, I received a new contract that guaranteed no work on Sabbath! Being in debt I asked God to take care of it. He Blessed me with a busy work schedule which in turn enabled me to pay off that $17,000 debt in 3 months! Praise God!!!

When you work for God and put Him first, He will honor you and take care of all your needs.

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